Friday, November 19, 2010

An AWSUM christmas gift.

AWSUMBODY is putting together a christmas package .Christmas is a busy time of year and we often find the dollars just don't go far enough .It is for this reason that we want to give all the opportunity to be ready for a healthy happy christmas and new year.
Our health and nutrition seem to be one of the first things we put on the back burner to deal with later . Have you noticed how later never comes?
While we put the finishing touches to our package consider the last time you put your health first . When was the last time you felt a glow from the inside out? Don't leave your health until it's to late to many rely on you .It's time you spent a little time and effort on yourself particularly the mums out there. Have an AWSUM day all.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A few extra kilo's

You have gone to put on that summer outfit you loved so much Last year only to discover it no longer fits.While you felt you had put on a little weight it didn't seem to be that much .Now you go and get on the scales and are shocked to find that the little extra you weren,t concerned about is 10 kilo's.
It is so often the case over the winter months and because it happens over a period of months we don't notice it to much and don,t become concerned until we see it either in clothes not fitting or a number on the scales.
Now consider this gradual increase in weight and the effects it's having on your body. Firstly your heart followed by your lungs,kidneys and so on .It's the little things like all of a sudden it's not so easy to run up the stairs or chase after your little ones .You find yourself stopping to catch your breath and sweating more .You ask your self "When did I become unfit?"It's not that you have become unfit but that your carrying extra kilos and still expecting your body to do what it used to be able to. Of course there is going to be some sort of effect we just don't think about it often just assuming we are unfit and while this may be the case it is mostly because of the extra pressure we have placed on our body.
So now you want to do something about it and fast . Remember you have put the weight on over a period of time .Why do we expect our bodies to do the impossible and lose those kilo's over night .Don't get me wrong there are ways you can drop body fat fast however in our experience these overnight solutions are just that and just as you will have lost a few kilos over night they will be back.because these overnight solutions cannot be maintained . If you can't maintain the weightloss solution for the rest of your life then they won't work for very long.It is also important you reconise where things went wrong ....what was it that changed?How did these extra kilo's come about?What have you been doing differently? Once you can pin point this you are half way there.
Now to get back into that favourite summer outfit. set yourself a goal and look at a long term solution so you don't find yourself here again.
Awsumbody believes by educating you on good eating habits and a little exercise you can maintain that beachbody all year around .
To find out how or if you would like a free weightloss consultation email or inbox Phil Ball on facebook.

Friday, November 12, 2010

An Awsum METABOLISM kicking and fat burning meal

Hi all, thank you once again for tuning in. Today i decided today would be a very hands on day and thought id share a recipe with you all. One that will not only help raise your metabolism but also start the fat burning process.

Protein has the highest Thermal-Burn of all foods, increasing your metabolism by up to a massive 20-30 % !!!!! You see, protein is a very complex nutrient, so for every 1,000 calories of protein you eat, your body will use up to 300 calories to digest and process this macro-nutrient (macro meaning large and micro meaning small incase you were wondering)
This means you're only intaking about 700 calories for every 1,000 calories you eat of protein. You are getting 300 "free calories." (They're gone... just like that simply by EATING THEM.)

Protein also helps to build muscle (along with specific types of exercise), and for every kilo of muscle you add, you will burn approximately 100 extra calories per day. Five kilos will burn 500 calories per day. Now isnt that pretty cool??? And here's something even cooler...the "Thermal Burn" (thermogenic properties) of some natural foods is so high that they don't even register on the calorie scale. I like to consider these "AWSUM FOODS" that you can practically eat all day without gaining an inch.

Now for the recipe.
1. Cook some veggies in a pan and set aside.
Add 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil with 1/2 teaspoon
of coconut oil to the veggies. This alone improves
the taste immediately. (also fats are HEALTHY FATS)

2. Crack 4 eggs and use the whites only. Whip them in a bowl

3. Add 1/2 egg yolk to the veggies after cooking
for 1 minute. This is mainly for taste.

4. Add some GARLIC
5. Use non-stick spray for the egg
whites and cook them like you would a normal
omelette. Then pour the almost-cooked veggies in

6. Now for the SPECIAL sauce add a dash of PRAWN COCKTAIL sauce to the entire mix yummo !!!!

Now try not to eat omelettes all day after you try this

Phil Ball

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lest We Forget

To the many servicemen and women from the many wars fought to save "democracy" so that we can have our freedom to be able to THRIVE in whatever we choose to do, LEST WE FORGET.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Did you know that there are super foods that can help you burn body fat . That can assist you in your weight loss journey? Recent studies have found that by including certain foods in your daily diet you in crease your chances of dropping that unwanted body fat . All natural foods offer our bodies nurishment and assist our body's needs Remove the processed food from the menu and look at the pure and natural choices . You will feel better for it . To find out more contact

Monday, November 8, 2010

Good Nutrition.

Much has been said in recent times on the importance of good nutrition but what is good nutrition ?
Good nutrition is eating good healthy fresh , non processed food . AWSUMBODY is setting a challenge . For 1 week eat only that which is fresh. Do not eat any processed food . Drink lots of water and see how good you feel from the inside out.You will notice the difference.Yes you will have to spend a little more time in the kitchen .You will have to plan ahead but the results will be worth it .You can get the kids involved and they can experience new tastes. In the words of the AWSUMBODY founder "nothing tastes as good as the way you want to look feels " Remember this when you are tempted by the take away meal or that block of chocolate.So have fun enjoy the challenge . Enjoy the new tastes but most of all enjoy feeling AWSUM . If you would like to know more do not hesitate to contact one of the AWSUMBODY team .We are here to help.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

1 key to guaranteed success.

1 Key to GUARANTEE your success
There truly is 1 simple key to guarantee you get your desired results every time no matter what it is you are trying to achieve. That key is YOUR MINDSET.
Does that sound too easy? Ok let me put it to you this way “If you think you can or you think you can’t either way you are right.”Now let’s just think about this for a minute. If I think I can do something I can? No of course not .That would be just silly. Certain things need to happen. Your mindset must be right. You must believe in yourself and your goals. See yourself and your goal. Envision it.
Look around you people everywhere are using their mindset to know success. Consider paralympians these inspiring people from all walks of life have fought back. They are not where they are because someone told them to be and it certainly didn’t just happen. These people have worked hard, sacrificed much to achieve their dream .I can also guarantee that for most of them this was NOT their first choice as far as their dream is concerned. In fact it probably wasn’t even on the radar as far as life dreams are concerned. Ultimately they made a choice and that choice was NEVER GIVE UP! They put their mind to it and did whatever it took. I am sure that at times the price would have seemed to high .The physical pain to great but they pushed on because they had a goal.
Ask any successful business person how they became successful. They will tell you hard work, sacrifice and a positive mindset. Ask a body builder how he/she gets through the pain barrier they will tell positive mindset .They do it because they have a goal .They can see the end result in their mind.
Now I can hear the objections you need money, time, and influential people. You can’t just wake up one morning and start working on your goal. I don’t have time to go after my goal. My friends would think I’m mad. I can’t afford my goal. I wouldn’t know where to start. Now let me ask you this. Do you think the people I spoke of above didn’t face these same objections ?I can assure you they did and many more .Don’t get me wrong here you do need the above things to go after your dream .However you are never going to get your goal tomorrow it takes time . You need a plan .Take it one step at a time and sometimes there will be backward steps. These backward steps test your resolve .They sometimes make us want to give up. Look at it this way a backward step is a learning curve. A backward step still has movement .It is when you stop that your goal does .Remember the paralympians ...NEVER GIVE UP.
In today’s world of high speed internet there is NOTHING and I mean NOTHING you can’t find out. We have social media that can put us in contact with those who can help. There are 24 hours in a day No one I have ever known or ever heard of has had any more or any less hours to work with. These days Money is more accessible to us all. Anyone can be money rich. The truth is most successful people started with very little or none.
Now I’m not saying that going after your goal is going to be easy .The truth is it will probably be damn hard but consider your goal – wouldn’t it be good. Wouldn’t it be worth it? To be doing or have what you love .To quote “Work at what you love and you will never work a day in your life”.
I put together this article to hopefully inspire you to go after your goal whatever it may be. To remind you many are already living their dream. Make a start, don’t give up and you WILL get there.
So remember 1 key to guarantee your success and the best part is it won’t cost you a cent .POSITIVE MINDSET.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer is just around the corner.

It's that time of year again when we start to notice the extra kilo's we have put on over the winter months.That new swimsuit doesn't seem to look as good on us .
Getting back into shape is easy
step 1 - join the awsumbody program
step 2 - get fit and healthy.
step 3 - enjoy your new awsumbody.
Start now and be ready for all the hot new summer fashions.
You deserve to look good in that new swim suit.
Join the fun today Give awsumbody a call.

Friday, August 13, 2010

An inspiring coach and trainer.

Did you know that Friday the 20th of August is world personal trainer day?In honor of these wonderful people who give so much to help others relise their weightloss/fitness goals .The AWSUMBODY team has one of the BEST.A Personal Trainer/coach and nutritionist who has devoted his life to helping others.His passion has inspired the rest of "TEAM AWSUMBODY"to help give as many as possible the opportunity to work with our boss.
Here's what the team has come up with .If you decide you would like the opportunity to be helped by the best all you need to do is inbox message "PHIL Ball on his facebook page mention the code word(a new one each day on the AWSUMBODY fan page in the status box) and you will recieve this AWSUM deal.
The team is going to cover some of your costs .The team is going to pay for your 1st coaching/training session,12 weeks of meal planners,10% of the 12 week program ,Our "nutrition and you" E-BOOK and 10% of our nutrition pack .Total savings to you is $149.00
Why are we doing this ? Everyone of the team has had the opportunity to be personally trained or coached by Phil.We have gained so much that we want everyone to feel as good as we do about themselves and we all have Phil to thank for that.
This is an AWSUM opportunity and we would love to continue with it but this deal is only available for 5 days Monday the 16th to Friday the 20th of August 2010.
To our AWSUM Boss and the most inspiring man we know THANK-YOU .We are all very greatful for the opportunities that have come our way because of your passion for what you do.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


These 9 common myths are only a few amongst many.It never ceases to amaze me that people are only interested in a quick fix and will spend a fortune for these band-aids.Make no mistake Taking a pill to lose weight may get you results today but what happens when you go back to your normal routine.It's a band-aid.Helps for a little while but in the end only good "body fuel" and good old fashioned exercise is going to give you perminate results.
1.Drinking hot water will increase my metabolism.(FALSE)
2.Some foods have negative kilojoules.(FALSE)
3.Fasting is a quick and effective way to lose weight.(FALSE)
4.Doing sit-ups will flatten your belly (FALSE)
5.Cut out carbs after 5 pm.(FALSE)
6.Exercising on an empty stomach will help burn more fat in less time (FALSE)
7.Diet alone will lead to long term sustained weight loss.(FALSE)
8.Eating less shrinks your stomach over time (FALSE)
9.There is a fat burning zone you can reach with low intensity exercise (FALSE)
I do understand that we are living in a fast paced world and time to do the required exercise and time to prepare nutritious meals is difficult to find .However I have found with a little pre-preparing and organisation it can easily be done .
The body needs the right fuel to run at it's best.We so often take our health for granted and it's only when it is to late or almost to late that we make the changes .
Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today .Your health determines who you are and the lifestyle you'll lead.
Be the best you can be.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What not to do ....

There are many many weight loss programs and diets out there claiming success.We would like to share with you some big "NO ,NO'S for you to consider .
1 .Deny yourself treat foods.
2 .weigh yourself daily.
3 .Raid the fridge during the night .
4 .Think your life will change dramatically when you lose weight.
5 .Attempt to cut out fat completely .
6 .Eat because your tired or stressed rather than hungry.
7 .Skip meals .
8 .Eat unlimited amounts of lite foods.
9 .Say you'll start tomorrow .
10.Take Laxatives.
When you decide to start your new fitness and nutrition plan go with plan that is full of good nutrition , support, exercise and fits your daily life . The most important thing you should consider is "can you maintain the plan for the rest of your life ?"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


The leg extention is used to work the *rectus femoris * vastus intermedius *vastus lateralis and * vastus medialis.
In the seated position rest the back of your knees against the edge of the seat.The resistance pad should be just above your ankle .Keep your torso upright and your hips pulled down into the seat.Exhale while extending your legs ,kicking your feet outward and up until yout knees are completely extented. Inhale as you return to the starting position keeping it controled all the way back down.
Avoid any space between the back of your knees and the seat edge , any spinal movement, elevating your shoulders or allowing your gluteals to lift off the seat.
Have fun.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Craving Busters..

The top 9 craving busters.
9. substitute with a lesser evil
8.chew sugar free gum
7.Brush your teeth
6.Have a cup of black coffee/tea
5.Have half a handful of unsalted nuts.
4.Tell yourself -wait!!!!
3.Drink water .
2.Keep pre-prepared nutritious snacks for these times.
1.Distract yourself with activity.

When you are struggling to control the cravings try one of the above .A good distraction that is not on the above list is "YOUR GOAL" keep your goal at the fore front of your mind at all times . Place pictures to re-inforce your goal,on your fridge.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

CQ10 ...50mg/100mg

Claims have been made that CQ10 is the most used supplement in the world for heart health.Consider that our heart is not the only way we can benefit from this supplement and that research into all it can do is only in early stages , one can only say WOW.!!!!
CQ10 makes adenosine triphsphate (ATP) .ATP is the cells major energy source .It drives a number of biological processes including muscle contraction and the production of protein .
CQ10 will boost your energy levels , enhance your immune system and also acts as an antioxidant.
So once again I find myself glad that my coach got me started on this little "wonder pill" .Seriously though if you are someone who is reading this thinking maybe I need that or you want to try it with your work outs give us a call.
I have done some research of my own on CQ10 and found side effects are very minimal .If you are on heart medication it is best you consult your GP.

Fantastic foods .

Read an intersting article in the Muscle and Fitness magazine about foods you should never be with out .Will share some of them .
Broccoli...a nutritional overachiever.
Tinned Salmon ......packed with protein
Red Peppers .....In the vegie world they are the vitamin C heavyweights.
Low fat Cottage cheese.....Slow digesting to supply a steady supply of amino acids.
Prawns....unbeatable protein to fat ratio.
Eggs .....for breakfast can satisfy your hunger and prevent over eating later.
Chicken.....synthesises to repair muscle tissue.
These are just a few mentioned that if included in our nutrition plan can help us see great results .
AWSUMBODY is going to do some more recipes that include more of these "power" foods .
Enjoy your day

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


What is CQ10 ? In simple terms it is a nutriant your body must take is to feed your cells so that the body can operate at it's best.It is critcal in the production of energy and is a powerful antioxidant that destroys free radicals.
CQ10 is made up of 2 parts
1 proteins
2 a mineral/vitamin(coenzyme)
CQ10 is similar in structure to vitamin K.
Your heart has the highest levels of CQ10 however it is also found in the liver and kidneys.
Only very small amounts are found in food (seafood)
CQ10 helps with weightloss because it stimulates the metabolism.
Many athletes and body builders use it .
Research is being done into all that this supplyment can do including it's effects on some cancers and scientists are having some positive results in CQ10 research with Parkinsons disease .
Reserchers have also discovered that many heart problems are due to a lack of CQ10 .Thats not to say all heart problems are caused by lack of CQ10 but given that our CQ10 levels deplete with age it stands to reason.
If you would like to know more feel free to contact us and remember also that you should always consult your GP before taking any new supplements or vitamins.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Brenda tells her CQ10 story.

Hi all.I would like to share a little of what I have learned about this wonderful little supplement .
Firstly before I started on the AWSUMBODY program I had never heard of CQ10.
So when Phil said it was something I should include in my training regime I went with his expert opinion and began taking them twice daily and 2 1/2 hour before each training session. Ok whats the big deal ...What do they do ? Yeah I was feeling better , more energy but isn't that what the program was doing not just the CQ10 ?
Then came the day I forget to take them before a training session . Half way through I was spent ...What was wrong ? I was doing everything right , my nutrition had been good that day and yet I was struggling BIG time .
Then coach (Phil) asked the question "Did you take your CQ10 ?" I honestly could not believe I was struggling because I had forgotten to take these lttle "wonder work out pills" It truely is amazing . No it's not an addiction or habit .The CQ10 carries oxygen through the blood and opens up the vessels (my interpritation at the time ). so there you have it I proved they work for me I don't often forget to take them these days but am very quick to pick up that I haven't .
If you have never heard of CQ10 or would like to try them out in your training program let us know . AWSUMBODY supplies all the BLOOMS health range including CQ10

Sunday, August 1, 2010


What is CQ10? Over the next 5 days we would like to go into some detail on what this AWSUM supplement can do .We will share our experiences with taking CQ10 and how it has helped . We will explain in simple terms and scientific terms the benefits .CQ10 is firstly not a vitamin.CQ10 has been used by the founder for many many years and will share his experience . We would also like our members to share their experiences of the AWSUMBODY program with CQ10.We are looking forward to sharing with you new research on this supplement .
Keep an eye out for the first blog tomorrow "Brenda's personal CQ10 story."

Lochlan's journey.

Hello AWSUMBODY fans and members . We would like to introduce you to Lochlan a new member .Lochlan is joining us to lose a little weight but mostly he wants to bulk up .Lochlan is going to share with us all his daily acitivities. He will let us know what he eats including the recipes.He will share his training sessions uploading video's from time to time .Thank-you Lochlan and we look forward to following your journey to the new you .

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Good Health.

Being healthy is like everything else in life - a choice and you make that choice. Today I was walking through the local food court and couldn't help notice how many people were choosing to fuel their body with all that is unhealthy . Now I understand that it is your right to choose what you eat however your choice does ultimately effect others at some point.The consequence of today's choices will one day be felt by those you love your family and friends and even those you don't yet know.We are seeing the evidence here in Australia with such a high obesity rate .Consider our high rate of heart disease and diabeties.I find it interesting also that we so easily blame the fast food companies .Seriously they don't force their food down our throat we CHOOSE to eat it . We are ultimately responsible for our own actions or at least we should be .
Don't get me wrong here I enjoy some "fast food " like everybody else but in moderation as a treat.
If we all choose to have fast food as a treat how soon do you think it would be before the fast food companies would be forced to change their ways . Once again through the choices we make, could force change.
Just a few thoughts I wanted to share .Love to hear all thoughts on this .

Sunday, July 25, 2010


It is becoming more of a debate with each passing day. Fast food verses good healthy food . Some say "fast food is cheaper " and while this maybe true to some extent consider that with fast food you buy it and eat "ONCE" . When buying nutritious healthy food to prepare yourself at home , more often then not you will be able to prepare more then 1 meal.In fact AWSUMBODY can show you how to prepare nutritious meals for the whole family , on any budget. AWSUMBODY is able to help you with everything from the grocery list to the dinner table and all within your budget.It is more evident then ever that we are what we eat. So eat healthy ,be healthy. It truely is that easy and the benefits to you are "AWSUM".Ask us how today and start your family on a well balanced , affordable , nutritious eating plan. In this debate good nutrition wins every time.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

MASTERCHEF Awsum Recipes

Some of the thousands of Awsumbody members around Australia have called me their "MASTERCHEF" Funny that. All i did was pass on a few hints and tips with some classic AWSUMBODY recipes that taste amazing. The best thing is that not only are they great for your body inside and out, but they taste fantastic. Here at Awsumbody we strive to show people just how easy it is to have an amazing and awsumbody. Food doesnt have to taste bland and boring. Nor to lose weight do you need to become a robot and miss out on the many wonderful flavours available through food. We believe that the method is as clear as crystal. Simply. Eat right and follow some basic exercises that are made for busy people of today who say they don't have TIME. You have time to eat right? Why not eat food that tastes great AND helps you lose weight. AWSUMBODY LOSE WEIGHT FEEL GREAT You can find us on facebook as well

Phil Ball

Friday, July 2, 2010

warm up naturally

We are in the grip of winter and what better way to warm up then a good workout.Get your heart racing , work up a sweat and be warm for hours.
It is important to remember to warm up first .Your body is cold therefore you need to warm it before you start your work out to avoid muscle injury.
A good twenty minute cardio workout will do the trick as will resistance training. Also because we tend to eat more carbs during winter this is a great way to burn up those extra calories.
So go and warm up the natural way.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Winners are Grinners.

We have all suffered set backs in life . Things that have caused us to question our abilities. How we approach these set backs determines if we are winners.We can train our brain to see set backs as stepping stones to something better or we can give up.
The same goes for us on a weight loss journey .If you find yourself struggling with not losing the weight don't give up .Look for a reason why and change what you are doing .Remember "If you always do what you've always done you'll get what you've always got "
So if your not getting the desired results in life it's time to change something , maybe everything . Improve your odds in life . Put aside the fear and take the challenge head on. You may be suprised how good you really are .What ever you do be brilliant at it .

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Did you know there are 2 types of vitamins ?
Fat soluble and water soluble .

Fat soluble vitamins are stored in the fat tissue and your liver .They hang out there until the body requires them.
Fat soluble vitamins are A..D..E..K..

Water soluble vitamins travel through the body in the blood and any excess is passed through when you urinate. The body does not store these vitamins
Water soluble Vitamins are ..C...B ..
The body does not make vitamins .What we eat supplies us .

This is why so much importance is placed on good nutrition.


Are you having trouble getting motivated to go to the gym ? I have a simple answer. Don't think about it ...just do it! The more time we spend thinking about it the more excuses we will come up with not to go.
Sometimes we feel to tired, or feel we have to much to do .Then theres the age old excuse "don't feel like it " . Now while all these thoughts may be true they are just ...EXCUSES!!! What about how you feel after a session at the gym ? A good work out clears out your system .Sweat out the toxins.Remember that a good work out releases those feel good endorphins .
So next time your thinking "No I don't feel like today " Just go ! Your body , mind and soul will thank you for it .

Have an AWSUM day .

Friday, June 18, 2010

Helping your body lose weight the EASY WAY

Did you know that the human body is made up of 60% WATER? And that for our body to process and remove unwanted waste and fat it needs to stay hydrated? The easiest way to simply stay lean, feel great and help your body remove unwanted waste and fat is by drinking a minimum of 10 glasses of water a day and by always having a multivitamin in the morning. The body can then work at its most efficient as your fluid and mineral levels will be at their optimum and can process effectively. Its the same as trying to drive a vehicle without having fuel in the tank

Monday, June 14, 2010

June Promotion

Hello all,
Well here we are 6 months into 2010. AWSUMBODY has a HUGE offer for new members . We have put together 2 packages.
1- the training package - This package is for those who live in our local area and wish to be personally trained by us .
2- the coaching package - This package is for those who wish to do the AWSUMBODY program but are unable to attend our personal training studio's .Both packages have been discounted for the month of June .
This offer is fantastic and will enable new members to reach their weight loss goal with full AWSUMBODY team support.
Give us a call or check us out on facebook.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

12 weeks ago I started the AWSUMBODY program, now 16.4kg lighter an 57cm in measurments lost im so VERY PROUD of MYSELF :-)

The Awsumbody program has taught me so much not just about myself but Nutrition/Excerise/Body Fat just to name a few.

When i frist heard about Awsumbody i thought to myself ok, hears another diet...but after speaking with Phil, i learnt its NOT a diet, its a life style change an a way of life. I found the 12 week program to very afforable an easy to follow, every day food eaten at the right time, we can never put a price on our health!!

Within weeks of starting the program i could see an feel my body shape begining to change, to hear comments from friends was so encouraging :-) I began to enjoying my morning workouts at the gym, challenging at times, but now i LOVE going to the gym, Phil gave me excersies to do, upper body/lower body/cardio.

Over the 12 weeks i had the chance to do the online coaching with Phil an at times Brenda, i found this to be very beneficial to me an helped me keep on track, I highly recommend the online training to those people who need that extra bit on encouragment.

I had the priveldge of meeting Phil in the last weekend of my program, but due to a small injury i was unable to do the training session, but i found Phil to be such an inspiration :-)

The team at AWUSMBODY, Phil and Brenda have ALWAYS been there to encourage an support me along the way, they have both been an inspiration to me an couldnt have done this without there help.

What can i say but THANK YOU AWSUMBODY you have have truely changed my life, an im well on the way to the goal weight i have so long to be.

I highly recommend AWSUMBODY to ALL those people, who are looking for a change of life, give AWSUMBODY a go, you'll be as happy as me :-)


Saturday, April 10, 2010


thank you cheryl from all at Team AWSUMBODY .you have done us proud .keep up the great work.

Brenda and Phil .

Phil an Brenda u guys are AMAZING xx

Saturday, March 6, 2010

weight loss..............

Weight loss , nutrition , fitness, less stress being the healthiest you've ever been ,if any of the above appeals to you then AWSUMBODY can help .you will find us @ .we are on face book or you can email us we would love to hear from you .

Friday, February 12, 2010

AWSUM NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AWSUMBODY is releasing it's first recipe book with all the nutritious food you,ve grown to enjoy,plus an exciting new range including desserts and cakes.We have used simple recipe's with great nutritional value .As always we recommend you use the freshest ingredients.
to place your order for this exciting new book please email .There is only limited stock so be quick , mention the blog and recieve a discount.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hello again.January is nearly over ,Have you made the committment that you promised yourself you would ?Or are you still undecided? let me share some info with you that will help you commit to that promise .
As I've said before AWSUMBODY is not a get fit quick program or a rapid wieght loss program ,having said that you "will" get fit an you "will" lose weight and the bonus with AWSUMBODY is you'll tone up , you won't have lost wieght an still have "flab" for the want of a better word.AWSUMBODY is also not a diet ."AWSUMBODY IS A WAY OF LIFE." A lifestyle a plan for you to be healthier an fitter for the rest of your life .Prehapes you are wondering about your ability to stay motivated ? I can tell you this with absolute certainty that once you start you will see results an that is the best motivation in the world .AWSUMBODY will keep you on track an the team is available 24/7 to answer your questions an give you guidence if you feel you need it .
Maybe you feel you are unable to afford such an "AWSUM" product ? AWSUMBODY is affordable to all an remember it's a lifestyle not a diet so you can follow it for the rest of your life if you choose. It is that adaptable an easy to follow .So here it is for $2 per day for 12 weeks .less then the cost of a coffee.less than a can of coke an much better for you then any cheap meal you'll get in any food courts of the world.If I may have just a little more of your time to list some of the benefits I have personally experienced from this program , an I've been on the AWSUMBODY program for 10 months My eating habits are better ,heathier,I have so much more energy ,I sleep better am more positive with all that comes my way in life ,my confidence is at an all time high .I am strong , my long term quality of life has improved an last but not least I have what I feel is my AWSUMBODY. AN REMEMBER THATS WHAT IT IS ABOUT "HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF"

Fresh Fruit and Vegetables .