Friday, November 12, 2010

An Awsum METABOLISM kicking and fat burning meal

Hi all, thank you once again for tuning in. Today i decided today would be a very hands on day and thought id share a recipe with you all. One that will not only help raise your metabolism but also start the fat burning process.

Protein has the highest Thermal-Burn of all foods, increasing your metabolism by up to a massive 20-30 % !!!!! You see, protein is a very complex nutrient, so for every 1,000 calories of protein you eat, your body will use up to 300 calories to digest and process this macro-nutrient (macro meaning large and micro meaning small incase you were wondering)
This means you're only intaking about 700 calories for every 1,000 calories you eat of protein. You are getting 300 "free calories." (They're gone... just like that simply by EATING THEM.)

Protein also helps to build muscle (along with specific types of exercise), and for every kilo of muscle you add, you will burn approximately 100 extra calories per day. Five kilos will burn 500 calories per day. Now isnt that pretty cool??? And here's something even cooler...the "Thermal Burn" (thermogenic properties) of some natural foods is so high that they don't even register on the calorie scale. I like to consider these "AWSUM FOODS" that you can practically eat all day without gaining an inch.

Now for the recipe.
1. Cook some veggies in a pan and set aside.
Add 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil with 1/2 teaspoon
of coconut oil to the veggies. This alone improves
the taste immediately. (also fats are HEALTHY FATS)

2. Crack 4 eggs and use the whites only. Whip them in a bowl

3. Add 1/2 egg yolk to the veggies after cooking
for 1 minute. This is mainly for taste.

4. Add some GARLIC
5. Use non-stick spray for the egg
whites and cook them like you would a normal
omelette. Then pour the almost-cooked veggies in

6. Now for the SPECIAL sauce add a dash of PRAWN COCKTAIL sauce to the entire mix yummo !!!!

Now try not to eat omelettes all day after you try this

Phil Ball

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