Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blokes have this well being stuff sussed.

An interesting article in the Womens Health & Fitness Magazine has given me food for thought.Have you ever heard it said "I want to come back as a male " Well ladies I will probably live to regret saying this but I think we could learn a thing or two from our male friends when it comes to our well being .
1- Have you noticed how a lot of men don't struggle with their weight like we women do?.....Why ??? It is quiet simple men eat more protein foods. "Feed the man meat" Protein foods promote satiety .The scientific term for fullness.Therefore preventing over eating .
2- They drink beer. Yep it's full of carbs .But according to research beer is a significant source of dietary silcon, a key ingredient for increasing bone mineral density .This is no excuse to down a six pack guys ..everything in moderation. Stick to the recommended 2 drinks per day.
3-Men use Weights more then women.While we women do use weights we tend to use them for muscle isolation rather then working muscles together .Working more muscles , working them harder will give much better results.
4- Men are not big sweet eaters preferring to pile their plate high with meat (protein).Research also has found men rarely binge. Keep a healthy option on stand by ladies .
5-Housework is a no go zone.Now before you all jump up and down here what the article is saying is this .Men don't see it as a priority.A man will put his mates and work and sport before house work .Men don't stress the little stuff. A man will respond better to a to do list in this situation ladies . Give it a go !
6-Men play more team sports.Research here suggests the social and health benifits are huge . Consider a walk on your own verse a game of netball . You can not only burn as many calories but catch up with friends.We are after all supposed to be the supe

rior multi taskers.
7-Men Rarely get stressed.They use the fight or flight instinct. Meaning they deal with it then and there or they just let it go.
8- Men are methodical.This part of the article I found very interesting . While we women can and do multi task our male counterparts tend to focus on one task at a time .Research here says " The area connecting the right part of the brain to the left is thicker in women allowing more ideas to flow .Women find it harder to immediately distinguish their right and left hand because they use both sides of the brain at the same time.Men have a dominate side of the brain allowing them to tell right from left instantly."
So ladies agree or disagree here the research does explain a little.Cant wait to hear opinions on this .
Brenda Alexander

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Garlic Facts

*Garlic contains natural antibacterial, antiparasitic and antifungal properties.
*As little as one glove a day is effective in lowering blood pressure and regulating cholestrol levels.
*A serve each day can support the immune system and ward of a host of infections . Its ability to help remove harmful and ageing toxic metals such as mercury are also well documented.
*Cooking garlic reduces it's potency .
*Garlic contains prebiotic fibre inulin this feeds beneficial gut bacteria which aids digestion and detoxification.
*Did you know that garlic was served on bread to help sustain the workers building the pyramids?
*A natural medicine for all. Be aware if you have trouble tolerating garlic it's best to listen to your bodies warning signs and avoid it .
*Give this old fashioned remedy a second chance .
*For more infomation on the benefits this little wonder and more contact AWSUMBODY Australia's best fitness and nutrition company.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

AWSUMBODY: we are open for business.

AWSUMBODY: we are open for business.

we are open for business.

AWSUMBODY has recently opened a new training studio with many members taking advantage of the new modern facilities.
Our personal training is what sets us apart. To be given one on one support and shown the tricks that get you your AWSUMBODY is what we do best.
If you would like to know more please do not hesitate to contact us via facebook or phone

Fresh Fruit and Vegetables .